File Types
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There are a number of different file types you may come across as you create assets or get designs produced for your department. Below is a list of commonly used file types.
AI or Illustrator files are the Native File type of Adobe Illustrator.
EPS files are considered “Native Files” and can be opened in Adobe Illustrator. If saved correctly, EPS files will allow for edits and changes within Illustrator.
GIF files can support simple motion graphics and animations.
INDD or InDesign files are the Native File type of Adobe InDesign.
JPEGs are common file types for web, social, photos, and more. However, this file type is a “loose” format, which means its quality will downgrade each time you resave, crop, or edit it. Avoid editing unnecessarily, and make sure to make a copy from the original file if you need to make changes.
PDF files are best used for fillable forms or multipage documents and presentations. Some PDF files have editable components depending on how they were saved and what software you have access to.
PNGs are common file types and can be used for web, social, photos, and more. What differentiates PNGs from JPEGS is their ability to support transparent backgrounds.
PSD or Photoshop files are the Native File type of Adobe Photoshop.
A zip file is a folder that has been compressed to reduce the size for ease of saving or sending. Typically zipped files will have multiple files within them. To access these files, double click on the .zip to “unzip” the file and access the content..